Friday, February 25, 2011

Packing, God's goodness, and THANK YOU.

I'm sitting here staring at the massive piles of clothing I have on my couch as I attempt to pack for six months...this is proving to be a difficult task, so I thought I could use a short break to write my first post :)

In three short days I will be in route to Kampala, Uganda. So many things have been racing through my mind during this last week of preparation. I think that might explain how I locked myself out of the house the other day (thank the Lord for nice neighbors who have a ladder!) Amidst my stressful state God has continued to blow my mind with his provision. Ephesians 3:20 is so true...God is doing immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine. He is good. Always.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me on this adventure I am about to embark on. All of your money, prayers, garage sale donations, encouraging words, and big hugs have been such a blessing. I am overwhelmed with support.

What more to say? Check back. I hope to keep you updated on the experiences I encounter while in Uganda. Be prepared for the joyful, wild, unexpected, heartbreaking, heartwarming stories...all for His glory.

With all my love,
Sarah Mae Bowman

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